How To Throw Away Billions of Dollars a Day!
How To Throw Away Billions of Dollars a Day!
In the job market today is an offering for a Masters Degree holder paying $8/hour plus benefits! Another example is the Software Development Engineer scraping by on $2,000/month total income, this translates into society losing $60,000/year on one person, now consider all of the unemployed and under-employed to do the math showing the extreme loss in potential capital movement the continued recession brings a day.
However great a deal this inequity between the potential human resource value and that used as wages may seem to employers, in real economics the transaction is essentially a total loss to society in potential value.
Wall Street, the Banksters and Madison Avenue love these wage conditions because they insure profit in a repressed-depressed economy lacking sales revenue across the board as evidenced in the any major city by the lack of normal rush-hour traffic, a physical indicator of economic health beyond the reach of rhetoric.
The mechanic at work in our economy, then, loses big-time real value with every passing day on the order of a 75% total loss daily of the capital-movement had these people been appropriately employed.
For years now since the “Big Bank Bailout”, the big boys with the big pockets have waited for the economy to come back, preferring to dabble in the “Foreclosure Game” and other on-paper wonders returning a “profit” to show on the balance sheet and support the luxury lifestyle for the few and the illusion of a future to the rest.
My take is that worker devaluation-for-profit has run its course, add in the expense of health care, another worker-value related profit-system that refuses to fund preventative medicine, dental and eye care basics, so long and so heavily that the entire bell-curve of income has moved south so far that too few workers have discretionary income to support any kind of economic growth, as evidenced by the high number of bankruptcies and foreclosures caused by a single health-care event in a family.
The current way of expressing the needs of living has over time removed the ability to pay for the game anymore; therefore, the “recession” will continue indefinitely, as long as the worker-value issue remains, the revenue base doesn’t exist anymore to support a “consumer society”.
This continues to favor only nanosecond trading as the only reliable method to make a “profit” left in the system for years to come, the current ethic of those with all the beans appears similar to “Let them eat cake …”, not able to loosen the burden imposed on those least able to afford it, nor to allow the economy to grow by infusing discretionary income into the system with higher wages, universal health-care or anything benefiting anyone but themselves, something the power and wealth mongers abhor!
Due to this, the only economic item that can create discretionary spending is to greatly reduce costs down to what workers can afford … anyone betting on that happening soon? Therefore, the “recession” will never end, like the Pentagon Wars, eternal, this is the final battle of “captive-market capitalism” which has stolen from the worker long enough to turn them into mere economic slaves.
Got a Masters Degree? We’ve got the job for you, $8/hour in Reno, proving outright that the devaluation of the worker is complete, done, game over … our college grads are nothing but fodder for others to profit from, this is all we’re raising our children for in America, wage slaves, regardless of education or skills.
Have a nice day, punk … get a job.
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